• Audio Ads Outshine Billboards In Recall And Pretty Much Everything Else

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    Audio Ads Outshine Billboards In Recall

    It’s been well-documented by now that radio outperforms over-the-air television as a mass reach medium, but what about radio’s effectiveness versus over traditional advertising? A new report suggests that audio may have a leg up on another old rival: out-of-home.

    Post-pandemic, commuting patterns have set the stage for a resurgence in both AM/FM radio and out-of-home advertising effectiveness. In May, Cumulus Media/Westwood One Audio Active Group found 85% of average Americans commute to work again – meaning OOH ad spend is growing.

    Now, this new report from Veritonic, which surveyed hundreds of US podcast listeners in June, provides valuable data for the entire audio sphere and how it stacks up against billboards, display ads, and social media. The study focuses on the comparative impact of audio ads in terms of memorability, purchase intent, and consumer awareness.

    Compared to billboards, audio ads were found to have a higher recall rate among consumers, with 60% finding audio ads more memorable. 51% of those surveyed were more likely to buy after hearing an audio ad than from a billboard. 54% prefer discovering new products through audio ads over billboards.

    For other media, audio still held a considerable lead. Audio ad recall was 49% more than display ads, 48% more than video ads, and 33% more than social media ads. With consumer intent to purchase based on ad type, 40% show more purchase likelihood from audio ads compared to social media ads with preference over display and video ads trailing at 38% and 34%, respectively.

    Given this data, it’s worth noting how inclusion of traditional radio into a campaign can boost memorability and effectiveness, especially given radio’s 86% share within in-car ad-supported audio.

  • Where’s Your Podcast? We Can Help.

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    It turns out the pandemic boom in podcast listening was just a warmup act. Triton Digital says the number of monthly podcast listeners has continued to rise, with it tracking a 12% growth rate during the past two years. Based on its measurement of podcast downloads, as well as companion survey data, Triton says during 2023, four in ten (40%) of U.S. adults reported listening to a podcast within the past month. “This growth was reflected across all segments of the population, especially those late to adopting podcasts as a preferred medium,” Triton says. The just-released U.S. Podcast Report finds that older Americans and women are becoming new podcast listeners at a faster rate, with a 22% increase in listeners over the age of 55 and a 13% increase for 35- to 54-year-olds.

    Download a copy of Triton’s U.S. Podcast Report 2023 HERE.